Getting started with Oracle Apex

Once Oracle Apex is installed (, the first thing is to create a new application, to do this you have to follow the following steps. The Oracle Apex home page is the following: Click on the second option: The main screen will appear. To be able to work in Oracle Apex, a Workspace is necessary. The first time we enter APEX […]

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Installing Oracle Apex on Linux

Simple guide on how to install Oracle Apex and ORDS on Linux systems in Standalone format. Versions to install in this guide:APEX 24.1Java23ORDS 24.4 You will find the downloads at the following links: Download Required Software 1) Download the latest version of Oracle Apex, in this case 24.1. the file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 2) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 3) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 4) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 5) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 6) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 7) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 8) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 9) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 10) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 11) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 12) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 13) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 14) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 15) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 16) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 17) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 18) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 19) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 20) Download the following file: Oracle APEX 24.1 – All languages 21) Download the following file: Oracle APEX

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PL/SQL package RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT / CAT.DBMS_RCVMAN version in RCVCAT database is not current error

When you connect to your RMAN catalog and receive the following error, typically after a database upgrade: “RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT / CAT.DBMS_RCVMAN version in RCVCAT database is not current error”. [oracle@localhost ~]$ rman target sys/** catalog cat/**@CAT Recovery Manager: Release – Production on Thu Aug 15 18:30:27 2024Version Copyright (c) 1982,

PL/SQL package RMAN.DBMS_RCVCAT / CAT.DBMS_RCVMAN version in RCVCAT database is not current error Read more "

Oracle Data Masking

In this post we are going to perform a case study using the Oracle Data Masking and Subsetting Pack, the process of permanently replacing sensitive data with dummy data to remove sensitive data from test, development, analytics and other non-production environments. Before

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Oracle tables - Avoid drop and deletes (Blockchain Tables)

In version 19c Oracle introduced a very interesting feature, giving the administrator the possibility to create tables where only insert operations are allowed, where the deletion of rows is forbidden or can be restricted for a set time, as well as it is possible to restrict the deletion of a table. It is also possible to restrict the deletion of a table.

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